Thucydides’s Trap originated in ancient Greece, but was repeated over and over again in the likes of Revolutionary France challenged Britain’s dominance of the oceans, which led to Napoleon’s defeat. In Post World War II Russia flexed its muscles against Eastern Europe leading to 50 YEARS of Cold War.
Each war had its unique circumstances, but all involved saber rattling by the rising power. The China Trap project will capture the period from the end of the Cold War in 1989 to China-U.S. policies today, and expose the inevitable clash unless cooler heads prevail.

Interested in having Robert speak at your next event? Optional talks include:
- Thucydides Trap and The Future Cold War
- To Hell with Karl Marx
- Independent filmmaking, from Concept to Completion
- Blade Runner & The Meaning of Life
- Modern Man in Purgatory, Hamlet & the Reformation
- The Cold War, Beginning, Middle and Possible Ends?
- General Patton, Breakout Success
- Apostle Paul, & Identity Politics
- Apostle Paul, Romans & The Drama of Redemption